Arnaud Matar Screenshot

ExperiencedFront End Developer

Designer, Coder,
WordPress Developer

I’m available now if you’d like to chat or to fill a position. Contact me on 07969 165 070 or I’m British and can work across the UK.

Find out more

DF Screenshot
Fluent JavaScript

Fluent JavaScript

Javascript is the behavioural layer of web development, interacting seamlessly with the structural layer (HTML) and the presentational layer (CSS). It provides greater interactivity and control to websites, and is a powerful language deployed everywhere from brochure websites to huge web applications.

Fluent JavaScript

Strong UI Design

Modular HTML & SASS

Web layouts are moving away from rigidly-defined templates and towards more flexible, modular components. From modular SASS architecture, to BEM & Atomic Design, to Modular CMS architecture, modular design allows you to iterate and improve without having to worry about development times or having things break.

Modular HTML & SASS

WordPress Development

WordPress Development

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System, and was historically seen as a blogging platform with a core functionality based around posts and basic pages. Today it has evolved into an advanced templating system which offers the developer full control over content and presentation.

WordPress Development